Intangible Cultural Heritage of Jordan


           The Intangible Cultural Heritage of Jordan

1.     intangible adj 無形的     

2.     camel husbandry   駱駝畜牧業

3.      tent-making craftsmanship   帳篷製作工藝

4.     weave  v編織    wove woven

5.     in the midst of  …… 之中

6.     deep-rooted   根深蒂固的

7.     inhabit  vt居住

8.     remarkable   adj引人注目的

9.     harsh environment  艱困的環境

10.   prevail in盛行

11.   livelihood  n生計;謀生之道

12.    safeguard   vt保護     -ed    -ed

13.   tentative   adj暫時的

14.   nomadic tribes    游牧的部落

15.   convention  n大會


1. It is important to safeguard historical

   areas from the pressures of modernization
   in order to preserve mankind’s  heritage from
   future generations.

   safeguard   A   from   B 

   保護 A免於受到B

2.     People are able to learn more about the 
     distinctive  way of life of the inhabitants
     of Arab nomadic areas.

3.     We make the tent from  goat hair.

4.     navigation    n導航

5.     rituals of preparing and drinking coffee
ritual  n儀式

6.  The host should offer three complete
      rounds of coffee

Intangible Cultural Heritage of Jordan




The Legend of Four Seasons

Little Mermaid