The depth of wrinkles on the face indicates the strength of bone.
Health (1)
The depth of wrinkles on the face
indicates the strength of bone
1. skin wrinkling and bone mineral density
lead 主要的
lead research研究主任
Lead research Dr Lubna Pal looked at the
relationship between skin wrinkling and bone mineral density.
2. assess v評估 -ed
Dr Pal assessed wrinkles at 11 different
places on the face and neck.
* assess v研究
3.rigidity n.硬度
skin rigidity皮膚硬度
She also checked skin rigidity on the forehead
and cheeks.
4.clinician n臨床醫生
The clinician’s
concern is what is happening to her bones.
5.anti-aging and anti-winkle creams
Bone density
screening 骨骼密度檢
The research suggests
that instead of spending money on anti-aging and anti-wrinkle creams,
women should invest in a bone density screening.
6. outweigh v勝過 -ed -ed
The cost of a
fracture would far outweigh the cost of a screen like this.