

Lesson Seven  The Last Leaf

I Vocabulary ( page137   2021/06/04 )

1 struggling  adj 掙扎的

  a struggling musician沒太多錢謀生的音樂家

 struggle vi奮鬥   -d     -d

 struggle to + v   努力

 get a passing grade 考到及格的分數

2. downstairs   adv 樓下地


  a college student一位大學生

           run downstairs to open the door


  paint the downstairs bedroom


3. claim   v聲稱主張    -ed   -ed

  Jump over 跳過

4.masterpiece   n.  傑作代表作

5.accomplish    v.完成   -ed    -ed

accomplish her goal of writing a book


           accomplishment  n. 成就成績

6.chilly   adj寒冷的

  chill    n

   There was/ is a chill    ……寒冷

   Wait for = await

7. humid  adj潮濕的

  Humidity  n  濕氣;潮濕

  laundry   n洗好的衣物

  take longer to dry  花更久的時間變乾

  make the engine rusty   使引擎生鏽

8. deadly  adj致命的

  a deadly weapon   致命的武器

9. survive  v生還     -ed    -ed

  survival  n生存

  plane crash空難

  depend on依賴

10.brick   n

  be made of …….製成

11.magically    adv神奇地

  magical      adj神奇的

  clown  n小丑

  magically disappear / vanish


  has a magically voice 聲音具有魔力

  feel relaxed感到放鬆

12 regain   v恢復     -ed   -ed

   take the medicine服藥

   regain her strength 恢復力氣

13 manager   n 經理

  manage    v管理

  management   n經營;管理

  apartment manager 公寓管理員

  heater  n暖氣    

  air conditioner冷氣

  be good at = be expert  in/ at

  business management企業管理

14 ladder   n梯子

 lad   n小夥子

 climb the ladder to


III  Idiom and Phrases   (page  140)

   1.cling  依附   (clung  clung   )

    The baby koala clung to its mother.

    fall down掉下

   2. tell off斥責

     run into撞上


Grammar (110年06月10 日)


find + o+ v-ing/Vpp/adj

Exercise A ( p142)

1.          When the father walked into the

      room, he found the baby sleeping.

2.           I found the house empty because

     nobody answered the doorbell.

3.           We started lunch with Bill after we

       found him stuck in traffic.

4.          Johnny was not doing homework in

     his room. His parents found him

      playing his smartphone in the


5.           Albert found the job very boring, so

      he decided to quit


Exercise B  句子重組( p 142 )

1.          Tim found his wallet lying under the table.

2.          Louise found the English class very

     interesting and exciting.

3.          When ken got to the library, he

  found it closed.

4.           Mr. Cheng found some of his

 students cheating on the exam.

5.           After the typhoon, we found many

 houses damaged.

II情緒動詞: v-ing/v-ed (p143 )

1.          Comic books are never boring.

 I enjoy reading them a lot.

2.          Ivan always feel embarrassed

When he has to stand up

and answer the teacher’s question.

3.          The news was shocking.

4.          The young man felt lost and

 confused about his future.

5.          Angus never thinks that cleaning

 the house is a tiring job.

 Exercise B  (  p144 )根據上下文將提示的動詞變成形容詞

Evelyn is  interested in math. She thinks

 that math is interesting  and a lot of

 fun. After she solves a complicated

  problem, she feel excited. If she can’t

 find a satisfying solution, she doesn’t

 give up. She discusses the problem with

 her classmates or asks the teachers.


 Conversation  (page 146 )

A Good Deed


1.  An old recycle lady


2.  pour  v下傾盆大雨

3.   gonna 是口語的講法

 等於 going to

4.  get wet 弄濕

5.   trolley  手推車

6.   Full of waste paper


7.  In a high school uniform


8.  How touching!多麼感人

9.   good deed好的行為

10.  on facebook 在臉書上

           Reading ( p 134) 110.06.11


1.            two struggling young artists


2.            quarter   n (u)地區

live in an artists’ quarter


3.            downstairs   adj 樓下的

4.            claim   v宣稱

5.            work on a masterpiece 忙著代表作

6.            accomplish    v完成 –ed     -ed



7.            chilly and humid weather


8.            bring pneumonia to the district



9 catch the deadly disease


catch caught caught


10 be confined to + N


11 have/ has  a 10% chance of surviving


12 find her looking out the window


    find found found   發現

    found   founded   founded 建立

13 count the falling leaves  數落葉

14 ivy vine常春藤蔓

15cling to a brick wall



第三段 (p 135 )

16  tell off 斥責

    tell told told

17.  such a stupid notion


18. be extremely worried about



19 be in place在原來的地方

20.magically regain the will to live


21 soaked   adj 溼透的

  soak  v   -ed   -ed

22.apartment manager公寓管理員

23. It turned out that s+ v  結果

23 fall   掉落  fell fallen















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